Business Missions

My audio-based production company is the product that stems from my unyielding desire to promote artistic expression, high-quality audio, and to share stories with the world. In a world where condensed, inexpensive gear (both pro & prosumer) becomes more common place by the day, it can be tempting to make the investment and indulge in the DIY-mentality. As someone who has been involved in both the creative & technical side of audio production; I can promise you that a high quality product can be challenging to pull off.

Beyond that, the cost of the gear, do you have a location to record? Have you invested the time to record your content? Do you have your content prepared and solidified? Does the product’s sonics compete with that of other professional products? These are just a few of the questions that someone needs to consider while recording. What I am saying is that when you delegate the task to a trustworthy, credible individual, remarkable things can happen! It would be my sincerest pleasure to be the one to handle the engineering and creative consultation for your future product.